Arne Jungjohann (@ArneJJ) is a political scientist and senior analyst. His fields of expertise are climate, democracy, elections, and coalition governments. Arne is a crossover between science and politics and a member of the Green Academy of the Heinrich Böll Foundation.
Previously, Arne worked for Minister President Winfried Kretschmann in the State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg, at the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation in Washington DC, in the Berlin Bundestag office of MP Reinhard Loske, and in his family-owned company. Arne studied political science at the Philipps University of Marburg and the Free University of Berlin and is based in Stuttgart & Berlin. His current projects are:
Progress is hard: Germany’s latest government of Social Democrats, Greens and Liberals came to a sudden end. The so-called traffic light coalition labelled itself as ‘coalition of progress’ (‘Fortschrittskoalition’). This research project examines procedures and committees of the traffic light coalition where executive action overlaps with party politics. The focus is on informal governance structures, i.e. the axes of coalition management, the role of the Federal Ministry of Economics as a coordinating department for the Greens and the internal Green interaction between the government Greens, the federal party, and the parliamentary group. The project is supported by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, which plans to publish the results in a study in mid-2025.
Coalition governments: Governing Ecologically (DE) analyzes how the Germans Greens performed in implementing policies for an ecological modernization. It’s building upon its predecessor German Greens in Coalition Governments (DE), which addresses at the Green Party’s governing experience on Germany’s state level and its impact on federal policy-making.
Nuclear waste: No country worldwide to date has developed a functioning waste management strategy for all kinds of nuclear waste, including a final repository. This is a key finding of the World Nuclear Waste Report, which Arne supported as coordinator and lead editor.
The Energiewende: Energy Democracy: Germany’s Energiewende to Renewables argues that an active role for citizens in the energy transition helps revitalizing communities and strengthening democracy. Citizen energy works an antidote to rising populism.
Vita Arne Jungjohann
Since 2014 | Author and senior analyst |
2013 | Director of Policy and Planning Division, State Ministry Baden-Württemberg |
2007-2013 | Program Director for Environment and Global Dialogue, Heinrich Böll Stiftung North America, Washington DC |
2001-2007 | Parliamentary Assistant to Dr. Reinhard Loske, Member of Deutscher Bundestag, deputy party floor leader, Alliance 90/The Greens |
2000-2001 | Assistant to Management, Detlev Jungjohann Engineer Lmt. Isernhagen, Germany |
1997-1999 | Masters in Political Science, Free University, Berlin |
1994-1997 | Political Science, Economics, Philipps University, Marburg |
1993 | Abitur, Gymnasium Langenhagen |
Publications in English
- Party competition, cooperative federalism, and transport policy reforms in Germany (June 2023)
- Can Germany wean itself off Russian oil and gas? (April 2022)
- The German Green Party after the 2021 election (March 2022)
- How do you write a book about the German Green Party? Online discussion (July 2021)
- Germany’s super election year and the rise of Green politics. An online discussion (April 2021)
- Germany’s super election year (March 2021)
- Ministerial diversity meets green core competencies (October 2020)
- How do voting systems impact policy-making? (July 2020)
- The World Nuclear Waste Report 2019. Focus Europe (November 2019)
- A tailwind to speed up the transport transition (September 2019)
- Governing Ecologically (July 2019)
- US Climate Policy “Fights are shifting to the states” (November 2018)
- Cycling has to be attractive for everyone (October 2018)
- Green Party celebrates a historic victory in Bavaria – what’s next? (October 2018)
- Rozhovor: V Německu selhává politika, ne moderní energetika (September 2018)
- “El 47% de las renovables en Alemania son propiedad de la gente” (February 2018)
- Energizing the People (November 2017)
- The Green Party in Germany’s state governments (August 2017)
- Germany Shows It’s Worth Fighting For Energy Democracy (June 2017)
- Energy Democracy goes Canada (June 2017)
- Interview: People want to produce power themselves (May 2017)
- Strategic flexibility (April 2017)
- German Greens in Coalition Governments (April 2017)
- Energiewende gets lots of attention, but for wrong reasons (February 2017)
- Energiewende goes USA (November 2017)
- Interview: Citizen energy, the antidote to populism (November 2016)
- Energy Democracy (Co-author: Craig Morris) (2016)
- Germany’s Clean Energy Revolution Focuses On Empowering Individuals (October 2016)
- The Energiewende – A Success Story at a Crossroads (PDF) (October 2016)
- Sticks and Carrots: Germany’s approach to renewable heating (June 2015)
- The German Coal Conundrum (PDF) (June 2014)
- The German Green Party: From a Broad Social Movement to a People’s Party. Article in Environmental Sustainability in Transatlantic Perspective (September 2013)
- Climate Progress – Fighting Climate Change And Phasing Out Nuclear Power Are Two Sides Of The Same Coin (April 2012)
- The Hill – Germany’s goodbye to nuclear power (July 2011)
- Voice of America – Discussion on the End of Nuclear Power (June 2011)
- Kojo Nnamdi Show (NPR) – Interview on Shuttering Nuclear Power (June 2011)
- Why is the United States so obsessed with nuclear power? (May 2011)
- No Nukes, No Problem? Germany’s Race for a Renewable Future (May 2011, with Wilson Rickerson)
- Interview with Earthbeat Radio: “German Energy Policy after Fukushima” (April 2011)
- A Changing Climate: The U.S. is Facing a New Era in Climate Policy after the Election of Barack Obama (November 2008)
Publications in German
- Parteipolitik und Blockademacht im Bundesrat (Januar 2023)
- Infrastrukturatlas. Auf dem Weg zur Fahrradstadt (November 2020)
- Klimapaket: Grüne Gestaltungskraft aus den Ländern (June 2020)
- Mit Rückenwind kommt man besser voran (July 2019)
- Ökologisch regieren. Eine Analyse der Regierungspraxis von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen im Feld der ökologischen Modernisierung (January 2019)
- US-Klimapolitik „Kämpfe verlagern sich auf die Bundesstaaten“ (November 2018)
- Radfahren muss attraktiv für alle sein (September 2018)
- Klimapolitik: Deutschland ist international zum Bremser geworden (Juni 2018)
- Bürger mit Rückenwind – Beitrag in der taz (Februar 2017)
- Vom Bohren dicker Bretter – Porträt in Kultur&Technik (Januar 2017)
- Das Mandat für die ökologische Transformation (November 2017)
- Der G-Kamin: Grünes Politikmanagement im föderalen Verbund (Oktober 2017)
- Landesgrüne im Wandel: Neue Koalitionskonstellationen und beginnender Generationenwechsel (August 2017)
- Die G-Länder – Grün Regieren für die ökologische Modernisierung (August 2017)
- Anfangs mussten sie Lehrgeld zahlen (Juli 2017)
- Trump manövriert die USA ins klimapolitische Abseits (Juni 2017)
- Großkraftwerke sind von gestern (Mai 2017)
- Grünes Stimmgewicht im Bundesrat (Mai 2017)
- Dornröschenschlaf in der Schweiz (Mai 2017)
- Das Macht-Paradox der Grünen (März 2017)
- Bürger mit Rückenwind – Beitrag in der taz (Februar 2017)
- Vom Bohren dicker Bretter – Porträt in Kultur&Technik (Januar 2017)
- Grün regieren. Eine Analyse der Regierungspraxis von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (Dezember 2016)
- Eine gerechtere Form des Kapitalismus (Dezember 2016)
- Was macht die Energiewende im internationalen Vergleich so besonders? (Oktober 2016)
- Kohleatlas – Daten und Fakten über einen globalen Brennstoff (Juni 2015)
- Braunkohle – Irrläufer der deutschen Stromerzeugung (November 2014)
- Barack Obama und die Klimalage der Nation – Interview mit Politikum WDR (Februar 2013) (MP3)
- Ein US-Präsident kann nicht “grün” sein – zeo2 (Januar 2013)
- Die USA vor Wahl: Ein Land im Gasrausch (November 2012, mit Rebecca Bertram)
- Fossile Lobby in USA fürchtet Erfolg der deutschen Energiewende – Interview mit der HAZ (Juli 2012)
- Fukushima in den USA: Was wäre wenn? (März 2012)
- Transatlantische Teersandschlacht: Lobbyismus und dreckiges Oel sind Kanadas neue Exportware (Februar 2012, mit Eva Zschirnt)
- Amerika – Abschied von der Atomrenaissance? Beitrag im UfU (Mai 2011)
- Made in Germany: Atomausstieg wird zum globalen Schaufenster der Energiewende. Gastbeitrag im FUE Rundbrief (Februar 2011)
- Obama, die Republikaner und der Klimaschutz in den USA – Interview mit Radio Lora (Mai 2011) (MP3)
- US-Republikaner auf Klima-Geisterfahrt. Beitrag bei den Klimarettern (April 2011)
- Nach der US-Wahl: Zuckerbrot und Peitsche. Beitrag bei den Klimarettern (November 2010)
- Zwischenwahlen: Klimaschutz in USA nur Wohlfühlthema. Interview im DRadio Kultur (Okt. 2010) (MP3)
- Obamas Klima-GAU? Beitrag in den Blättern für Deutsche & Internationale Politik (Juni 2010, mit Jens Kendzia)
- Abbruch oder Durchbruch? – US Klimapolitik vor Kopenhagen (November 2009, mit Till Koetter)
- US Repräsentantenhaus stimmt für umfassendes Energie- & Klimapaket (Mai 2009, mit Gisa Holzhausen)