Arne Jungjohann | Mozartstr. 20a | 70180 Stuttgart | Phone: +49-152-07392186 | Email: mail[at] | Twitter: @Arne_JJ
As a speaker and analyst, I am passionate about my topics and try to walk the talk. I travel by train. If a flight is inevitable, I offset the emissions. I value gender diversity and don’t take part in all male panels. Thank you for considering me for your event. Please find below speaking examples. Looking forward hearing from you.
Selected speaking examples (English)
- Keynote State of Baden-Württemberg Brussels (2019)
- Presentation Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Berlin (2019)
- Keynote Ballena Blanca Madrid (2019)
- Locknote at Energy Ireland in Dublin (2017)
- Speaking tour USA (2016) and Canada (2017)
- Panelist at Global Greens Congress in Liverpool (2017)
- Keynote at NESC conference in Dublin (2014)
- Speaker at COP 18 in Durban 2012
- TV interview on MSNBC (2012)
Selected speaking examples (German)
- Panelist Gesellschaft für Programmforschung (2019)
- Sachverständiger Fahrradgesetz Bayrischer Landtag (2019)
- Keynote PV Symposium (2018)
- Presentation Klimawandelleugner (2018)
- Moderation Kohleausstieg Karlsruhe (2018)
- Panelist Schauspiel Stuttgart (2018)
- TV report on ZDF (2018)
- Vortrag Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Stuttgart (2017)
- Keynote Jahrestagung Schweizer Energiestiftung (2017)
- Panelist Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft (2017)
- Keynote Green City München (2016)
- Interviews im Deutschlandfunk (2008, 2010, 2012, 2017)